Monday 13 February 2012

Roots of Life - 5

   13.  ''All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts,'' says James Allen in one of his excellent books. So , I concentrate on what I  have to concentrate upon. The rest is not important. Life is so short, there is very little time to focus on what is important, then where is the time to think of the unimportant?

            Then ,  I  may come across  two  vital questions :  what is important ? what is not important?                
            Fortunately, the lives of great men and women offer us an answer. That  which  broadens  my  mind, expands  my  conscious , strengthens  my  faith  in  the  power  of  good , purifies  my  thoughts , kindles  my  spirit , guides  my  decision  towards  Truth  and  inspires  me  to serve  my  fellow  beings , innocent  , dumb  creatures , birds , trees  and  all  that is  part  and  parcel  of  this  great  existence  of  which  I  am  only  a  tiny  and  insignificant  particle ,   is  important .

            When  other  things  are  unimportant , why  discuss  them?     

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