Saturday 21 January 2012

Roots of Life - part 4.

               Readers   of  this  Blog - some of them - may  be in  disagreement  with  me  regarding  my  views  on  mobile  phones.  So  I  thought  of  explaining  the  point  a  bit  more.
               Some thing  tells  me  that  sooner  or  later  the  world  will  realize  how  harmful  the  mobile  phones  are. The  unexpected  is  going  to  happen , I  think. It  will result  from  the  way  most  people  are  using  them.  Mark  my  words. It  is  because  most  of  us  use   them  without  any  respect  towards  them.  Respecting  mobiles?  Crazy , you  may  think.  Please  read.  Science  is  looked  upon  something  separate  from  Nature. This  is  the  problem. Not  just  that ,  it  is  irresponsible  and  immature  also. If  you  do  any thing  without  any  reverence[respect]  to  it , it  is  bound  to  affect  you.  Nature  has  perfect  balance.  If  scientific  inventions  are  used  to  disturb  that  balance , Nature  has  no  other  alternative  but  to  react  in  its  own  way. Look  at  the  way  most  people  use  the  mobiles !  Most  people  carry  the  mobiles  to  those  places  even  where  they  are  absolutely  not  needed. We  carry  them  to  the  shops  that  are  just  three  or  four  houses  away  from  ours.  Some  others  go  on  talking  over  them - keeping  them  close  to  their  ears - while  they  walk  along  the  roads , which  are  already  polluted  beyond  limits  by  automobiles. Those  people  are not  at  all  concerned  with  what  is  happening  on  the  roads. They  have  become  indifferent  and  insensitive  to  the  sorrow  of  their  fellow  beings.                                        
                 It  has  to  be  remembered  here  that  the  biggest  problem  the  American  Society  is  facing  today - along  with  the  economic  slow-down  and  insomnia [sleeplessness] - is  indifferent  attitude  of  the  citizens  there.    Nobody  is  concerned  about  anybody !  People  have  become  slaves  of  mobile  phones.Were n't  we  happy  even  before  the  invention  was  made?  It  is  an  instrument  by  man  to  make  communication  easier  and  quicker. That is  all.  Why  attach  more  importance  to  it , when  their  excessive  use  leads  to  nervous  disorder  and  other  various  health-related  problems?  Observe  carefully ,  eighty  percent  of  what  we  talk  over  phone  was  trash  or  unnecessary.  How  many  of  us  know  that  the  world's  second  richest  man  does n't  use  a  mobile ,  doesn't  have  a  personal  computer  and  lives  in  a  very  very  ordinary  house  by  American  standards ?  Is  he  ignorant ?  If  Warren  Buffett  is  ignorant ,  who  else  is  wise?                                                                                                    { to  be  continued }                                                                                                 


  1. I am not in total agreement with this. Every technology has it pros and cons. We can't take one man example and tell if he can then we can. If everyone of us is as wise as Warren Buffet world would be different. I agree phones are annoying as they keep on buzzing after the work hours raising your blood pressure levels causing sleepless nights. Everyone of us know its we who need to be organized. Coming to American Society my experience is people don't call after work hours and if you call them the immediate response would be different. I feel they give more importance than us (Indian techno freaks) to their personal life and family. Bottom line everyone have their own opinions about a thing and have their own way of expressing them, no offense.

  2. Dear Sukumar ,
    I am thankful to you for posting your comments. You wrote 'I am not in total agreement with this'. But if you read carefully, you will realize that both of us agree in our views on 'technology'. There are two kinds of reading : reading the lines and reading between the lines. Do the second one. You are wise and you will know that our views are one and the same. For example, I wrote 'respect'. Respecting what? Mobiles,for instance. From where they came? Technology. Then, I am for technology. There will be no problem as long as our scientific and technological inventions are in tune with Nature. The harm starts when men start misusing and overusing them. The great scientist has showed us the immense potentialities and possibilities that open up with the discovery of the power of Atom. But,when it fell into the hands of some self-centered politicians it took the shape of an atom bomb and destroyed 26 thousand innocent Japanese,and continue to pollute Hiroshima and Nagasaki even after 65 years. Now,do you and I blame Albert Einstein for this? No. A big 'No'.Those who used the bomb had no respect for science nor they have anything like that for humanity. I am opposing this attitude in this Blog. Do you know when I turn on the light every evening in my poor house,I pray to God and thank Thomas Alva Edison. God has chosen Edison to help humanity in coming out of physical darkness. I am arguing for coming out of mental darkness. Secondly, I wrote 'excessive use'.Everything will be alright if it is in limits. Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher said 'Too much is the only sin'. I am for 'wise use' of technology not for 'otherwise use' of it.You may have observed whenever you do something excessively you are bored of it,aren't you? Boredom leads to frustration and it leads to violence.In fact most of us are not aware of the beautiful definition of the term 'Science'.It means 'Knowledge about the structure and behaviour of natural and physical world based on facts that you can prove'. What does it mean? To understand the Universe in which we live. When you begin to 'understand' you bow before the great knowledge and wisdom of this Universe. My request through this Blog is respect science,use technology wisely for the good of all,not just human beings but all other living and non-living things without which the world is not only incomplete but also unsuitable to live in.And finally one word about Warren Buffet. You said 'you can not take one man's example'.Sukumar, you are intelligent so you may know good examples begin with one man mostly.The Bhagavad Gita says 'yadya dacharati sresta' which means 'what a good man does is followed by others'. In my view,Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are two great 'karma yogis' of our modern times because they have earned money without any desire for money, and they are using it for the good of the world. I will talk about the pros and cons of our society as well as the American society later.
    Enough for today. Take good care of you health. Earlier I sent a message. Did you get it?

  3. Abusing of technology happens every time! when I first started using internet most of the time I spent on porn sites..then I understood the real cause/use of internet..and today I am using it more ethically and professionally. Facebook became famous by popularizing the profile pages of campus beauties and their relationship status...but today it is beyond every thing on net. So, I believe it is just the matter of time for the people to understand the real use of any technology. And if they have not understood technology which they are using it....they are absolutely abusing it!!

    So..bottom line is... its up to the individual's consciousness on how to use a particular technology.


  4. Dear Viswanath,
    Thanks a lot for your reply. This kind of discussion is really helpful to all. One can get various view points on one topic. It is thought-provoking, informative and lively. What impressed me greatly is your frankness. At the same time, I am pleasantly surprised at the unity and similarity of our thoughts. I remember teaching a degree class where I told my students the same thing that you said in your 'bottom line comment'. Of course, you said more beautifully. Keep exchanging your excellent ideas. Thanks once again.

  5. I have been your student for many years and I am glad we are still able to listen to your valuable teachings even though we are miles away. Thanks to the technology. I got your message sir.

  6. Dear Sukumar,
    Many thanks for your reply. To be true,I am not a teacher,but still a learner-an old learner. Many a time I consider myself very fortunate for having stood in the class-room where wonderful students like you,Sumanoj,Viswanath,Ashok,Manohar, Sandeep,Suresh babu,Sameer,Sanjeev and many others sat and listened to things with rapt attention.[If I don't mention the names of others it is not that I don't remember them.I remember them all.In fact, when I sit for my meditations thrice a day ,I pray for the good of all my students-at high school and degree colleges.]Every one is part and parcel of my life. We are all tied together by destiny. Read books of Carl Sagan,Fritzof Capra,Carl Popper and Arthur Koestler to further enhance your knowledge. God bless you.
