Sunday 25 December 2011

The last part of Spiritual Revolution

Terribly  sorry  for the  delay  in writing  the  third  blog. My  mother's  ill-ness,   frequent  power-cuts  and  above all  my  laziness  are  responsible  for  it.

            29th May, 1953  at  11.30  was   very significant  in  the  history  of  man. He  was able  to  set  his feet  on  the top  of  Mount  Everest  on  that  day.  The  next  day  the  Western  print  media  carried  the  head lines  ''Today  Man  has  conquered  Mount Everest.'' On  the  same  day,  at  their ashrams [places  where  monks live]  the  saints  and  sages  of  the  Himalayas  kept  boards  with  words  like  these : ''Today  Man  and Mount  Everest  have  become  friends."  This  sums  up  the  whole  attitude  of  two civilizations..The  modern  man  first  explored  the  earth  with  Columbus  going  westward  and Vasco-de-gama  eastward.  The  exploration  of  man  did  not  stop  with  those  two  bitter  enemies  or most  controversial  explorers. Man's  greed-filled  search  did  not  spare  mountains,  oceans,  poles,and  even  the sky. Rockets  were  sent  into  the  sky. Then  the  more  powerful  ones  were  left  into  the  emptiness  above. But  the 'adventurous  and  clever'  man  left  one  thing  unexplored :  His  own  consciousness. On  the  other  hand ,  the  saints  and  seers  of  India  went  deep  into their  hearts.Vyasa , Valmiki,  Agastya, Buddha, Ramakrishna  Paramahansa  and  countless  other  sages  have  devoted  their  lives  to  reach  the  final  frontiers  of  human  consciousness. The  energy  released  by  these  great  men  and  women  continues  to  affect  the  lives  of  scientists,  intellectuals,  writers,  and  also  of  crores  of  common  people  in  India as well as  those in  other  lands. The  impact  of  a  Napolean,  an Alexander, a  Lenin,  a Marx  or  any  other  worldly  individual  is  limited,  but  a  Buddha  influences  an  eternity . The  Spiritual  Revolution  ignited  by  a  man  of  heart ,who  is  completely  self-less  and   immersed  in  God-Consciousness  is  the  last  remaining  hope  of  humanity  that  is at  cross roads  today.


  1. Thank you Sir! All these retards (so called scientists and engineers) were/are being awarded PhDs depending on how successfully they mess with the nature. I pity that I am one among them.

  2. We used to have wonderful lectures from you in school days.. All these days we missed it very much. Thanks to the INTERNET Revolution for allowing us to have the same communication :)
