Wednesday 18 January 2012

Remembering Roots of Life - part 3

          12. I don't use a mobile. Appears wrong. But read.  I was with a yogi on 19 February , 2006. He doesn't know how to use a mobile phone. I am not imitating him, I am emulating him .[ 'imitate' is to copy a person's speech,action and behaviour blindly, 'emulate' is to learn some good quality in admiration of a person] Is he ignorant ? No. When he addressed an assembly of  famous scientists and  religious leaders of nearly 64 countries on the Values of Life , in Paris [French capital], they listened to him with awe and great reverence. I will know that a man's worth should be judged not on the basis of the number of things he/she possesses but on the basis of how peaceful he/she is without or inspite of them. But this doesn't mean that I am against modern technology. My view is man should be more interested in Spiritual Technology than in the one that destroys Mother Nature.Just remember, how many innocent and beautiful birds have been forced to leave their nests and fly endlessly towards forests [ if at all forests are there!] just because they [birds] couldn't breathe in the environment that is polluted beyond limits by the ugly,dangerous cell towers as they release very harmful cadmium. I understand that human beings are only guests to this planet , not owners. God is the one and the only Owner of this Universe. Guests have no right to destroy the host's home , have they?  
                                                                                                                               [ to be continued ]

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